Insect Gallery

Insect Details

Pecan Catocala
Catocala piatrix
The catocala caterpillar can grow to 3 inches long but it is often difficult to find because its grey mottled appearance is the perfect camouflage for hiding in the bark of pecan trees. Catocala is the largest caterpillar to commonly feed on the foliage of pecans and hickory. The caterpillar remains hidden and motionless during the day and feeds on pecan foliage after dark. The catocala is commonly known as an underwing moth.
Catocala emerge in late April to early May. Larvae feed on leaves to mid-June.
Catocala caterpillars chew large angular sections out of pecan leaflets giving the foliage a tattered appearance. The amount of foliage lost is generally minimal unless outbreaks occur in conjunction with other defoliators such as sawflies or unicorn caterpillars. Economic damage is rare in well managed orchards. One generations is seen per year with infestations which can be more damaging on young trees.