Common Name(s): | Smooth Sumac, Scarlet Sumac, Sumac,Smooth |
Scientific Name: | Rhus glabra |
Family: | Anacardiaceae |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Season: | Cool |
Origin: | Native |
Height: | 4.5 m |
Flowers: | May |
Fruits: | Summer - Fall |
Description: A shrub or occasionally a small tree, usually forming thickets, widespread in open uplands on
sandy soil. A prolific sprouter after fire. Leaves turn reddish orange in the fall and do not have a winged axis. Fruit matures in late summer and may remain attached into winter. The fruit is eaten by many species of birds and white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer and some ivestock use it as a browse. Sometimes used in native landscaping. |