Eleocharis palustris

Common Name(s):
Large-spike spike sedge, Common spike sedge
Scientific Name:
Eleocharis palustris
Growth Traits:
Native, perennial, warm season
Description: One of many plants of this genus in this region. It grows between 6-24 inches in height, has flattened stems and is a rhizomatous plant that grows in moist soil and shallow water. This is a desirable plant because it has the ability to reduce erosion through bank stabilization and it rarely becomes overabundant. Large-spike spike sedge provides habitat for invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl,and the seeds and rhizomes are eaten by waterfowl as well. It provides fish fry and fingerling cover.
Chemical Control Options: Diquat or fluridone but control usually is not needed.
Mechanical Control Options: Mowing is somewhat effective, but can be difficult to accomplish because much of a stand usually is located in shallow water when an impoundment is full. Control usually is not needed.
Biological Control Options: Heavy cattle stocking rates generally destroy stands of large-spike spike sedge through trampling, but control usually is not needed.