Common Name(s): | Spatterdock, Cow lily |
Scientific Name: | Nuphar advena |
Family: | Nymphaeaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, perennial, warm season |
Description: Has an elliptical or round leaf that can be 16 inches long with a slit in it, which can make the leaf heart-shaped. It has
a yellow flower that appears only partially open. Spatterdock grows in shallow water and spreads by seed and rhizomes. The plant provides good habitat for invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl, and the seeds
and roots are eaten by waterfowl. |
Chemical Control Options: 2,4-D, glyphosate, imazamox, triclopyr, fluridone or imazapyr. |
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective due to rhizomatic growth. |
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option. |