Common Name(s): | Bristly smartweed |
Scientific Name: | Polygonum setaceum |
Family: | Polygonaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, perennial, warm season |
Description: One of many plants of this genus in this region. Smartweed can grow in shallow water or moist soil. It can grow to
around 6 feet tall and has jointed stems that are wrapped in ocreae (sheaths). Bristly smartweed has cilia (hairs) that are 0.25 to 1 inch long on top of the ocreae. The alternating leaves are lanceshaped and can grow to over 4 inches long. Flowers are spike-like and can be pink or white. The plant provides good habitat for invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl. Smartweed is an excellent waterfowl food, an important white-tailed deer food and a bobwhite food as well. |
Chemical Control Options: 2,4-D, glyphosate, imazamox, imazapyr, triclopyr or fluridone. |
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective because it regrows from roots and plant fragments. |
Biological Control Options: Goats probably control it. |