Paspalidium geminatum

Common Name(s):
Egyptian paspalidium
Scientific Name:
Paspalidium geminatum
Growth Traits:
Introduced, perennial, warm season
Description: The only paspalidium that grows in this region, Egyptian paspalidium grows 14 to 31 inches tall and usually is rhizomatous and stoloniferous. It has a spike-like inflorescence, and the spikelets are in two rows. It grows in shallow water or in moist soil. The plant provides habitat for invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl.
Chemical Control Options: Glyphosate will control it, but control usually is not needed.
Mechanical Control Options: Mowing can reduce it, but control usually is not needed.
Biological Control Options: Heavy cattle grazing will control it, but control usually is not needed.