Common Name(s): | Common buttonbush, Buttonbush |
Scientific Name: | Cephalanthus occidentalis |
Family: | Rubiaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, perennial, warm season |
Description: A shrub that is usually 3 to 16 feet tall. The leaves are opposite or can grow in whorls of three or four. It is easily identified by the clusters of white flowers in a ball. Buttonbush can grow in shallow water but is mostly found on the edge of impoundments. It can provide good nesting habitat for birds, and the seeds are eaten by waterfowl. It is poisonous to humans. |
Chemical Control Options: Glyphosate or imazapyr. |
Mechanical Control Options: Digging up plant and roots can be effective, but reestablishment from remaining roots is possible. |
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option. |