Common Name(s): | Black willow |
Scientific Name: | Salix nigra |
Family: | Salicaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, perennial, warm season |
Description: A small- to medium-sized deciduous tree that can grow to over 60 feet tall. The leaves are alternate, simple, narrowly lance-shaped, usually 3 to 6 inches long and finely saw-toothed along the margin. Black willow is often associated with being one of the first woody species in a disturbed moist soil area. Like other members of the willow family, the inner bark has been used as a pain and fever reliever, and an anti-inflammatory. The buds are eaten by many species of birds and mammals. It is also considered a good honey plant and host to many species of butterfly larvae. |
Chemical Control Options: 2,4-D, glyphosate, imazapyr or triclopyr. |
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective due to regrowth from root buds. |
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option. |