Curly dock

Common Name(s):
Curly dock, Curly-leaf dock, Yellow dock
Scientific Name:
Rumex crispus
Growth Traits:
Introduced, perennial, warm
Description: Native to Europe, curly dock is a very common herbaceous plant. It can be 1 to 3 feet tall and has leafs with curled margins. The fruit and stems are green and then turn to dark red after they mature. Curly dock can be found in uplands, but is commonly found in disturbed wet areas such as wetlands, ditches and farmland. The roots have been used in herbal medicine but can be toxic to cattle if consumed in very large amounts.
Chemical Control Options: Metsulfuron, 2,4-D with dicamba, glyphosate.
Mechanical Control Options: Mowing can be somewhat effective.
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option.