Common Name(s): | Blister buttercup, Cursed crowfoot, Celery-leaf buttercup |
Scientific Name: | Rananculus sceleratus |
Family: | Rhamnaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, Annual, Warm |
Description: Common along pond and stream banks, blister buttercup grows up to 2 feet tall. It has small yellow flowers that has been used by some pollinators. Like one of the common names suggests, the leaves look similar to celery leaves. Blister buttercup is poisonous to livestock and humans and can cause blistering of the skin by touching the sap of the plant. |
Chemical Control Options: Unknown |
Mechanical Control Options: Mowing is somewhat effective, but can be difficult to accomplish because much of a stand usually is located in shallow water. Control usually is not needed. |
Biological Control Options: Heavy cattle stocking rates will reduced it due to trampling. |