Common poolmat

Common Name(s):
Common poolmat, Horned pondweed
Scientific Name:
Zannichellia palustris
Growth Traits:
Native, Perennial, Warm
Description: Common poolmat is a submerged plant that looks similar to baby pondweed but can be distinguished by the leaves and the fruit. The leaves are thread-like and opposite and the fruit looks like a small banana in the axials of the leaves. Common poolmat is a desirable plant because it provides good habitat for small fish and invertebrates are which are eaten by fish and waterfowl. The plant and seeds are eaten by waterfowl.
Chemical Control Options: Diquat, endothall, fluridone, triclopyr.
Mechanical Control Options: Physically removing it is only temporarily effective due to its ability to come back from roots and seeds in the water.
Biological Control Options: Common poolmat is easily controlled by grass carp because it is one of their preferred foods.