Paspalum distichum

Common Name(s):
Knotgrass, Eternity grass
Scientific Name:
Paspalum distichum
Growth Traits:
Native, Perennial, Warm
Description: Knotgrass is a perennial grass that grows in moist soil and wet areas along stream and pond banks. The stems grow along the ground and send roots down at each node. The inflorescence is divided into two branches that produce large seeds. Knotgrass can be used in wet area to prevent erosion and it is a desirable forage for cattle and waterfowl.
Chemical Control Options: Glyphosate
Mechanical Control Options: Mowing is somewhat effective, but can be difficult to accomplish because much of a stand usually is located in shallow water and moist soil. Control usually is not needed.
Biological Control Options: Heavy cattle stocking rates will reduce it due to overgrazing and trampling.