Common Name(s): | Pickerelweed |
Scientific Name: | Pontederia cordata |
Family: | Pontederiaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, Perennial, Warm |
Description: Pickerelweed is rhizomatous plant that can grow to 3 feet tall. The leaves are lanceolate shaped and can be over 7 inches long. The flowers are spike-like and are violet-blue in color. Pickerelweed can form dense stands. It is in the same family as the highly invasive water hyacinth, but pickerelweed is rooted where water hyacinth is typically free floating. Waterfowl eat the seeds and the plant provides cover for small fish and invertebrates, which are eaten by both fish and waterfowl. It is a known pollinator plant as well. |
Chemical Control Options: Triclopyr, imazamox, imazapyr, 2,4-D, diquat, glyphosate. |
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting and digging are only temporarily effective due to rhizomatic growth. |
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option. |