Common Name(s): | Mosquito fern, Water fern |
Scientific Name: | Azolla caroliniana |
Family: | Azollaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, Annual, Warm |
Description: Mosquito fern is a free floating plant that can form very dense mats on the surface of the water. The leaves are deeply lobed and overlap each other. There is one root from each stem. Mosquito fern can be green or red in color. This plant is usually found with other floating vegetation. It is common in impoundments that are protected from wind and wave action. When mosquito fern covers a pond for a lengthy time, the pond can experience dissolved oxygen problems that can cause a fish kill. This plant can provide habitat for invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl. |
Chemical Control Options: Penoxsulam, diquat or fluridone. |
Mechanical Control Options: Physically removing mosquito fern is only temporarily effective because it has the ability to recover quickly. |
Biological Control Options: Grass carp or tilapia are only somewhat effective. |