Common Name(s): | Alligator weed |
Scientific Name: | Alternanthera philoxeroides |
Family: | Amaranthaceae |
Growth Traits: | Introduced, Perennial, Warm |
Description: Native to South America, alligator weed has elliptical leaves that are opposite and can grow up to 3 feet tall. Alligator weed stems are usually hollow and it has small white flowers similar in appearance to clover. This plant can form dense mats that outcompete beneficial native plants and can impede access. Alligator weed spreads primarily by plant fragments, but can spread by seed. It is a highly undesirable plant. |
Chemical Control Options: Triclopyr, imazapyr, 2,4-D, glyphosate, fluridone or imazamox. |
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective because it regrows from roots and plant fragments. |
Biological Control Options: The alligator weed flea beetle and alligator weed moth have been very successful in southern latitudes to control alligator weed. However, outside of the gulf coast region, there is no good biological control option. |