Common Name(s): | Variable-leaf pondweed, Water-thread pondweed |
Scientific Name: | Potamogeton diversifolius |
Family: | Potamogetonaceae |
Growth Traits: | Native, perennial, warm season |
Description: A rooted plant that has very narrow submerged leaves about 0.5 to 3 inches long and may or may not have floating, elliptical leaves that are about 0.5 to 1.5 inches long. It typically does not grow in water more than about 5 feet deep. It is a desirable plant because it provides good habitat for small fish and invertebrates, which are eaten by fish and waterfowl. The seeds and vegetative parts are eaten by waterfowl. |
Chemical Control Options: Endothall, fluridone, imazamox, diquat, imazapyr, bispyribac or flumioxazin. |
Mechanical Control Options: Physically removing it is only temporarily effective due to its ability to come back from roots and seeds in the water. |
Biological Control Options: Variable-leaf pondweed is easily controlled by grass carp because it is one of their preferred foods. |