Common Name(s): | Blackjack Oak, Oak,Blackjack |
Scientific Name: | Quercus marilandica |
Family: | Fagaceae |
Longevity: | Perennial |
Season: | Cool |
Origin: | Native |
Height: | 18 m |
Flowers: | April |
Fruits: | Acorns mature in fall of second year |
Description: A small to medium-sized (sometimes shrubby westward) tree occurring on dry, sandy soils. Usually an indicator of sandy soils. A round topped tree with stout, dead, drooping lower branches. The acorns are eaten by many species of wildlife. The foliage and twigs may be browsed by white-tailed deer and some livestock. Can display several leaf variations. Blackjack oak is a member of the "Red/Black" oak group whose leaf veins extend past the leaf margin to form bristles. Acorns mature in the fall of the second year. One of the dominant oaks in the Cross-Timbers ecotype. |